L.A. Perks Certifications

L.A. Perks Petroleum Specialists Inc. is dedicated to staying on the cutting-edge of rapidly changing technology in the petroleum industry. With the petroleum market evolving day-by-day and new regulations being established almost as quickly, it takes a certain type of qualified professional to navigate successfully through those waters. At L.A. Perks, we have made it our goal to remain the front-runner in knowledge, expertise and certifications. Through forward thinking, our commitment to on-going education, multiple certifications and the latest equipment training available to us, we remain the front-runner in our industry. By continually cross-training all of our employees, we are diverse in our knowledge base, efficient for our clients and extremely effective in the industry we service.
At L.A. Perks, we have worked hard over the years to assemble the highly successful teams you see today. That success is directly attributed to our selection process (each person is hand-picked), our mentoring program and our commitment to on-going training (training courses are specifically selected for each individual in order to further develop their skillset). Our commitment to on-going training and certifications, our highly skilled, trained and dedicated employees and our customers' solid commitment to us is what keeps us #1 in our industry.
- Nevada License #12559 A,B,C
- California License #678948 A, C, HAZ
- Underground Tank Handler 1018, 2274, 2296
- International Code Council 5252502, 5264222, 8261592
Equipment Certifications
- Commander
- Gasboy Card System
- Gasboy Dispensers
- Gilbarco Dispensing
- Gilbarco - Encore DEF
- ICC Vapor Repair
- Innovation TV
- ISD Vapor Products
- Lift Retail
- Nucleus
- Ovation 2 EMV
- Precision Line Testing
- Ruby
- Ruby2
- Sapphire
- Topaz
- Viper
- Veeder Root - TLS 350 Level 1,2,3,4 - TLS 450, 450 Plus, TLS4i, TLS4c
Petroleum Industry Certifications
- State of Nevada - Board for the Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas - Certificate of Competency
- Nevada Department of Environmental Protection - Tank Handlers License(s) 1018, 2274 & 2296
- NACE Cathodic Protection Tester
- University of Texas - Petex - Basics of Liquefied Natural Gas : LNG
- International Code Council - UST Installation / Retrofitting
- International Code Council - UST Decommissioning
- International Code Council - AST Installation / Retrofitting
- International Code Council - California Service Technician
- International Code Council - Vapor Recovery Testing
- International Code Council - Vapor Recovery Installation and Repair
- International Code Council - Cathodic Protection
- Browz
- INS World
- AWS Certified Weld Inspections
- NITC Pipefitter Certified
- NITC Plumbing
- NITC Brazier Certified
- ASME Certified Welding
- API Certified Welding
- AWS Certified Welding
- ASME Certified Orbital Welding
- Certified in Multiple Base Metals, Alloys, Dissimilar Metals
- D1.1 Certified Structural Welding
- ANGI CNG Operation & Maintenance Certification
Safety Certifications
Manufacturer Certifications
- Industrial Rigging certifications
- Industrial Crane Signal Person
- OSHA 40, 30 & 10 Hour Training
- 40 Hour Hazwhopper Training
- OSHA - Hazardous Training Operations and Emergency Response Training
- OSHA - Confined Space Entry Training
- OSHA - Awareness & Entry Training
- MSHA Part 48 Surface - New Miner 40 Hour Training
- MSHA Part 48 Surface - Experienced Miner Training
- MSHA Part 46 Underground - New Miner Training
- MSHA Part46 Underground - Experienced Miner Training
- AGC Powered Industrial Trucks
- Allied Electronics Site Controller
- Ameron Dualoy 300 Install
- AQMD Gas Storage And Dispensing
- Beaudreau Electric 400 Leak Detector
- BP/Global Safety Passport
- CNI Manufacturing EVR Phase 1 Install
- Confined Space (OSHA)
- Containment Solutions Installation
- Diversified Products Install/Maintenance
- Environ Geoflex System
- Excavation Safety (United Rentals)
- Fuel Master
- Gilbarco Dispensing
- Gilbarco G-Site
- Gilbarco PAM 5000
- Gilbarco Passport
- Gilbarco Payment Card Security PCI
- Gorman Rupp Pumps
- Healy Vapor Recovery
- ICC Decommissioning
- ICC Installer
- ICC Service Tech
- ICC Vapor Recovery
- Incon FMS Installation
- Incon FMS Programming
- Incon Healy Stage 2 Vapor
- Incon Phil-Tite EVR Phase 1
- Incon Sump Test/Operation
- Incon XP Piping Install
- OPW EVR Phase 1 Install
- OPW Fuel Management
- OPW Pisces
- OSHA 8 Hour Refresher
- Petro Vend K-800 / System 2
- Phil-Tite EO VR-101-1
- Pneumercator TMS Tank Gauge
- Rinnai Tankless Water Heater Installation
- Smith Fiber Glass Installation
- Total Containment Primary Piping
- UPP Systems Installer
- Vapor System Technologies (VST)
- Vaporless Tester/Operations
- Veeder Root Carbon Canister
- Veeder Root ISD
- Veeder Root ISD & ISD - PMC
- Veeder Root ISD-PMC
- Veeder Root Level 1
- Veeder Root Level 2/3
- Veeder Root Level 4
- Verifone Ruby
- Verifone Topaz
- VST Hanging Hardware
- Wayne 3/Vista & Ovation Disp
- Wayne Basic Dispenser (Web)
- Wayne Igem Wbt/3/Vista Disp
- Wayne IX Cat Wbt
- Wayne Nucleus Buypass Citgo
- Wayne Nucleus Chevron NT
- Western Fiberglass Co-Flex Install
- Western Fiberglass Trans Boxes