Underground Storage Tank Installation & Replacement

L.A. Perks Petroleum Specialists, Inc. is your One-Stop Shop when it comes to anything to do with Underground Storage Tanks (UST's). We have (6) Certified UST Tank Handlers that are certified with NDEP to handle any of your UST's needs. Over the years we have worked hard to become one of the best-known UST's Tank Handlers on the West Coast. We have installed well over 1000 UST's and we are not stopping anytime soon. With that being said, you must understand that working with UST's is a very dangerous business no matter how you approach it. This is a very serious part of the petroleum industry and should only be installed, repaired or removed by certified and qualified professionals. We at L.A. Perks Petroleum Specialists, Inc. always do our very best to ensure that all of our people have the proper training, equipment and attitude to properly assess any situation we encounter when it comes to UST's and UST systems.
As you look through this website you will see all types of fuel systems and all different types of configurations such as your typical Gas Stations, Truck Stops, Aviation Fueling Facilities, Military Fuel Facilities, Marina's, Ski Resorts and much more. Each of them may have UST's for their main fuel storage tanks. As you move through our website if you happen to see something that you have questions on, please feel free to give us a call and give us a shot at earning your trust and your business. We will work hard to ensure facilitate your requests pertaining to your UST system.
L.A. Perks Petroleum Specialists, Inc. can provide the following UST's services
- UST Fuel System Design, Permitting, Project Management
- UST Excavation – (Installation & Removal)
- UST Installation
- UST Upgrades
- UST Repairs
- UST Manned Entry Tank Interior Cleaning
- UST Temporary Closures
- UST Permanent Closures both in ground and complete Removals
Each and everyday our team is working with customers within the Petroleum Industry to make sure they are making the best choices for both their business and the environment. Over the past 30+ years we at L.A. Perks Petroleum Specialists, Inc. know what it takes to keep your UST system in good, safe and tight operating order.
Not to mention we can help you stay on top of the ever changing UST petroleum industry regulations (Federal, State and County). Our Team of professionals will help you sift through regulations and stand with you as we move through the designing, upgrading, and/ or removal of your UST systems. L.A. Perks Petroleum Specialists, Inc. has worked with the majority of the Local Federal, State, County and City regulators and to this day we continue to build on our relationships with each of them to build a brighter future for the environment and our younger generation yet to come.
Certified UST Tank Handlers and ICC Certified Installers of the following Companies:
- Xerxes
- Containment Solutions
- Modern Welding Company
- Plasteel
- Elutron
- Joor Tanks